Laverne Webb, MPA, PCC, CPCC

Through The Webb Alliance, I am building on a rich career devoted to the work of leadership and change in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. I work with leaders and managers, entrepreneurs, and individuals to imagine, design, and create transformations in their organizations, careers, and lives. My philosophy is strengths-based and appreciative. My approach is respectful, collaborative, and based on partnership. My goal is to be in service to each client’s highest aspirations and unique possibilities through a focus on self-mastery, purpose, clarity, action, accountability, and results. 


I focus on strengths-based, appreciative approaches, with a deep belief that to make a difference, one must be a difference. Thus, leadership is first about becoming—growing in understanding and wisdom about oneself and about others. It is then about doing—merging and integrating this awareness with technical knowledge, skills, and competence to lead oneself and others in service of achieving the mission and purpose of the whole system.

Key Education & Certifications

  • MPA, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation

  • Certified Professional Co-Active® Coach (CPCC), The Coaches Training Institute

  • Licensed Firework® Career Coach, Career Shifters, Ltd., London, UK

Core Expertise

  • Leadership and Executive Coaching

  • Career Transitions

  • Multicultural Leadership

  • Rich experience as an entrepreneur, manager, and leader of organizations, people, and good causes